Premiering LIVE on stage December 13-14, 2024, celebrate the Christmas season and experience the glory of Jesus as the One Found Worthy.

Journey through the events of Jesus' first coming, culminating with the anticipation of His magnificent return in this original Christmas musical.


As a non-profit production company, we are raising donations so we can offer this show absolutely free.

Firelight Creative Productions is a studio of writers, composers, actors, and filmmakers creating truth-centered art to empower the Great Commission.


From Patmos

From Patmos is an original musical depicting the life of John the Apostle while on the Island of Patmos. The show features a series of flashbacks from the Island of Patmos detailing John’s transformation from a young man with a thunderous but unfocused passion to an unmovable, unshakable Apostle of single-minded devotion. It is through the memories of this one man that the future of all mankind is revealed. Step into the tragedy, adventure, and passion of John's story and find your own story of the taming and refining of the human heart that happens only through relationship with the God who walked among us.


Between Two Worlds

Technology and old world clash as government leaders are corrupt and failing the people. Territory lines are being redefined and loyalty is a thing of the past. Enter Daniel Abrams, a teenager with a traditional upbringing and a respect for laws and for God. Facing the reality of imminent invasion from the rising city of Babylon and its sadistic ruler, Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel is forced to embrace the unknown and confront his doubts as he finds himself caught between two worlds.


Eden’s Twilight

In a compelling continuation of an age-old story, Eden’s Twilight picks up where the biblical narrative of Adam and Eve left off, taking viewers on an emotional exploration of the angst experienced by the world’s first couple in the aftermath of their disobedience in the Garden of Eden. Banished from the only home they have ever known, the two are forced to face the traumatic consequences of their sin. Feeling abandoned by God, can they trust their Creator to somehow eradicate the veil between them and the paradise for which they yearn?.



Justin Rizzo has been a worship leader, songwriter, and recording artist for over 20 years. He founded Firelight Creative to capture the imagination with the wonder of God. "As a creative studio of writers, composers, actors, and filmmakers, we want to awaken the human heart to experience God's love and truth. In so many ways we as the church have pulled back from being a part of the "imagination conversation" and have left people to fill their hunger somewhere else. We are seeking to change that." Justin has released multiple worship albums and been featured on multiple compilation projects, along with writing and producing full-length musicals and stage films. He also travels extensively to lead worship and speak at events around the world. READ MORE


Our third film in three years was just completed. Thank you to each of you who contributed to make this all possible.

As in the Days of Noah

The “As in the Days of Noah”
musical follows the lives of four individuals from Noah's day, each seeking to build a place of comfort and safety through different means. Hadad, the wicked ruler of the city, is focused on building his empire, while the young counselor, Ham, is driven by desire to secure personal fortune and a name for himself. Sarah, a pub waitress, hopes to turn her tragic life around and find love, while the master builder, Noah, yearns to respond rightly to God's call to build a place of safety that will withstand the coming judgment. As the waters begin to rise, who will make it on the boat?




We are continually building, writing, and creating new truth-centered art. Don't miss out on the latest! Get on our email list so you are always in-the-know regarding upcoming shows, projects and opportunities.

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